Hi there,
I thought I would get myself started here and contribute to this great idea Sarah has of sharing some pretty important information with our friends and family. As she discussed in her last blog, she is in Arizona doing it raw for the next 10 weeks. It was a big call going but it's going to be such a great experience for her. Very unique indeed.
So what I want to talk about is getting a few more people thinking about giving up the flesh and dairy.
It's not an easy task having all this information and wanting to share it without being the annoying guy or making people feel guilty about the way they are living their lives. Its not what this is about, in fact its the total opposite. This is just a way people can have a look at what other options are out there besides the way we are currently living our lives.
The thing is 99% of people eat a diet which involves animal protein and about 1% eat a plant based diet. Looking at those sorts of figures of course you are going to think "how can the 1% be right?". However the science is clear and the results are unmistakable. There is no time like right now to take control of our health.
I know it may seem impractical to change our lifestyle, to give up meat and high-fat foods, but I wonder how practical it is to have prostate cancer, breast cancer or Type 2 diabetes. Radically changing our diets may be "impractical", but it might also be worth it. The enjoyment of life, especially the second half of life, is greatly compromised if we can't see, if we can't think, if our kidney's don't work or if our bones are broken or fragile. All I hope is that I am able to enjoy not only the time in the present, but also the time in the future, with good health and independence.
Now for those of you that are thinking the idea of giving up all meat products including beef, chicken, fish, cheese, milk and eggs - seems impossible, no amount of talking is going to convince you. You need to try it.
Give it one month. You've been eating hamburgers most of your life so one month isn't going to kill you. A month isn't enough time to give you any long term benefits, but it is enough for you to discover four thing's.
1. There are some great foods you can eat on a plant-based diet that otherwise you may have never discovered. You may not be eating everything you want to eat but you will be eating lots of delicious food.
2. It's not as bad as you thought it would be. Some people love it and others take a few months but everyone finds it's a lot easier than they thought.
3. You will feel better. Most people even after a month feel better and lose some weight as well.
4. Most importantly, you will discover that it's possible. you may love it, you may not, but at least you will come away from your one month trial knowing that it is possible. You can do it if you choose. All the health benefits that come from a plant based diet are not just for hippies and monks, you can have them too.
Where do you start? As soon as you start to look for information on a plant based diet you will discover that there is a huge amount of information available and best of all you will discover you are not alone. Who'd of thought there were so many people out there just eating plants?
I know it's hard to believe all this until you experience it for yourself. Do it because you deserve better.
Recommended Reading : Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine by Gabriel Cousens M.D.
The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, PHD